Sunday, 3 November 2013

Calling all writers!

Calling all dolls who like writing...... If you are interested in doing something for the School newsletter, now's the time! We will be having our first Special Christmas issue out in December. So if you have any ideas at all of fun Holiday crafts, cool christmas costumes, or anything else you think would suit, please email them to me. All entries must be in by December 5, so I have enough time to put them all together before Christmas. I look forward to seeing what you all come up with!


  1. Sammie would love to do this! I'll/She'll see what we can do! Great idea!

  2. Hi, remember how I sent you that question about minis enrollment? And dolls that are short for their age? and after-school programs? Well, did you get my enrollment? And if you did, am I allowed to do this?
    - Anonymous A.

    1. sorry, just checked my email! I am SO doing this!
      - Anonymous A.

  3. I am working on some ideas right now! Is there anything in particular that you want in the newsletter(ex. crafts, cooking ideas)? I have a little bit of free time to work on this.

    1. Anything you want! Crafts, Recipes, Photos, Stories, Articles, the whole lot!


Comments make my day, but first there are a few simple rules to follow:

1. No swearing
2. No use of OMG
4. Don't talk too much about religion, it might offend people.
5. Have fun!

Oh, and please don't get cross with each other, but feel free to politely disagree about anything, just don't let it get heated.

Please make sure that your comment obeys all of these rules before publishing it, because any that do not will be immediately deleted.

Thanks for commenting and have a nice day!
Miss Adeline