Level Four Students

Doll's name: Sammie Faith
Nicknames: Sam
Belongs to: Abi
Age: 10
Subjects I take: Art, English, History, Sewing, Writing, School newsletter and Cooking.

Doll's name: Emily Rose Bennet
Nicknames: None
Belongs to: Anna
Age: 12
Subjects I take: English, Maths, Art, Sewing, History, Writing, Photography and School Newsletter.
Doll's name: Melody Matilda Grace
Nicknames: Melly, Tilly, Mells
Belongs to: Miss Adeline
Age: 10
Subjects I take: Everything

Doll's name: Rikki
Nicknames: None
Belongs to: Miss Meghan
Age: 16
Subjects I take: History

Doll's name: Kit
Nicknames: None
Belongs to: Miss Meghan
Age: 14
Subjects I take: Dancing

Doll's name: Kaya
Nicknames: None
Belongs to: Miss Meghan
Age: 15
Subjects I take: Horseback riding

Doll's name: Michelle
Nicknames: None
Belongs to: Miss MiMi
Age: 11
Subjects I take: Cooking, Sewing, Math, Art, Gymnastics, Photography, Bible Study, and Hairdressing.


  1. can i be a level 4 student!

    at aginohio

    1. Sure! Which doll do you own? Or haven't you enrolled yet? If you haven't enrolled, please fill out our form and I will add you. Thanks!
      Miss Adeline

  2. I enrooled my doll but do you HAVE to have a photo for
    her to be enrooled?

    1. Hi Hannah,
      First of all, unfortunately there has been a glitch with the forms, so you may not receive a verification email.

      I am currently working on a new website for the school, which should be opening in the next few weeks, with new forms and everything, so we will be asking everyone who has tried to enroll, but hasn't succeeded to reenrol there when it opens.

      Keep a look out for a post with a link to the new website when it is made public.

      No, you don't have to have a photo for her to be enrolled, but most people put in a photo just because it looks better on the student pages if
      the doll actually has a photo.

      Hope this helps!

      Miss Adeline


Comments make my day, but first there are a few simple rules to follow:

1. No swearing
2. No use of OMG
4. Don't talk too much about religion, it might offend people.
5. Have fun!

Oh, and please don't get cross with each other, but feel free to politely disagree about anything, just don't let it get heated.

Please make sure that your comment obeys all of these rules before publishing it, because any that do not will be immediately deleted.

Thanks for commenting and have a nice day!
Miss Adeline