Tuesday 1 October 2013

Your first English assignment!

Hi dolls!
Miss Adeline here, and today I have your very first English assignment! This week's assignment is a poem, that you make up yourself. This poem will need to be about something you like about springtime, or just about spring in general. It can contain up to one hundred words, and may contain less. The best poems out of all of those submitted, will be posted on our blog. Please comment with your name, title of work, and the poem you wrote, and then publish it. Your comment will not be published, because we don't want to have problems with some doll's copying other doll's poems. However, it will be recorded. Please have your assignment in by the 12th of October. Have fun! I look forward to seeing all of the entries!


  1. Poetry really isn't our thing, But we'll keep looking at the assignments. :)

    1. Yeah, I find poetry really hard, but I've already got one entry for this one!

  2. Spring
    A Haiku By: Farah Brooks
    The pretty flowers,
    All blooming outside of my house,
    Spring all around me


Comments make my day, but first there are a few simple rules to follow:

1. No swearing
2. No use of OMG
4. Don't talk too much about religion, it might offend people.
5. Have fun!

Oh, and please don't get cross with each other, but feel free to politely disagree about anything, just don't let it get heated.

Please make sure that your comment obeys all of these rules before publishing it, because any that do not will be immediately deleted.

Thanks for commenting and have a nice day!
Miss Adeline