Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Hairdressing class-Learn how to do a braided hairstyle for gymnasts

For this class you will be learning how to do a braided hairstyle for gymnasts. 

For this hair style you will need: 
A wire hair brush (it's okay if you don't  have an american girl hair brush you can  use a hair brush for hair extensions which you can easily get for you local hair shop)
2 hairbands (which you have not used in your own hair) 
And patience. Just follow this video on how to do it from Doll Diaries. And make sure to check out their website sometime, it's really cool!

Once you have practiced this a few times, and are happy with how it looks, please take a photo or two, and send them via email to Miss Adeline before February 13th. Results will be posted on the 13th or soon after.

Grades from the last hairdressing assignment will be posted as soon as possible.

Have fun!

1 comment:

Comments make my day, but first there are a few simple rules to follow:

1. No swearing
2. No use of OMG
4. Don't talk too much about religion, it might offend people.
5. Have fun!

Oh, and please don't get cross with each other, but feel free to politely disagree about anything, just don't let it get heated.

Please make sure that your comment obeys all of these rules before publishing it, because any that do not will be immediately deleted.

Thanks for commenting and have a nice day!
Miss Adeline